You may have seen my posts online, but yesterday I was invited on to the KTLA morning news to talk about all things Holistic Pet Tips given my extensive work rehabilitating rescue dogs, naturally! What an amazing experience as I got the chance to share a few of my top tips and tricks for keeping your dogs as healthy as they possibly can be! As pet owners, what we choose for them impacts their health so we must always do our best to pick out the very best, most non-toxic options for them too! For those of you that missed it, let’s recap 7 of my most favorite holistic tips to create a safer, healthier environment for your pets!
Remove Toxins From the Home
It’s now well-known that 90-95% of human cancers are linked to environmental and lifestyle factors, and the same applies to our pets who rely on us to make safe choices for them. Have you ever wondered what the #1, most toxic products are for our pets!? Well, would you believe that it is everyday items like candles, scented sprays, and cleaning products? Anything with a synthetic scent is surprisingly toxic to our pets, disrupting their endocrine systems and causing serious health issues. Our dog’s noses are also so much more sensitive than ours so these fragrances really wreak havoc on them! To protect your pets, remove all of the candles, plugins and deodorizors from the home ASAP and consider switching to essential oil-based or natural products, like those from Grow Fragrance, which are non-toxic and safe for both pets and humans. Simple changes like these can make a big difference in creating a healthier home for not only your furry friends, but you too!
Allergies and Diet
If your dog is constantly itching, there might be more to it than meets the eye. Many rescue dogs suffer from excessive vaccinations, medications, and low-quality kibble, which can cause inflammation and chronic allergies. Ear infections, hot spots, hair loss, lethargy, weight gain, yeasty paws, or flaky skin can all be signs of a major intolerance to something in your pet’s diet or environment! To address this naturally, consider running our favorite Intolerance Test on your dog or cat to pinpoint the root cause of their allergies! This vet-supported test can be done at home and has worked wonders for many of our rescue dogs. This is my #1 tip to begin getting to the root cause of your pet’s allergies and it’s such an easy and effective way to gather important info right in the comfort of your own home!
Paw Protection
Lymphoma is the most common cancer in dogs, with studies showing a 70% increased risk to it just from exposure to grass treated with chemical pesticides. That means just by going on walks on lawns that are treated with pesticides, you are increasing your dog’s risk of cancer! This can be at dog parks, public parks or even your own lawn! One good way to tell if the grass is covered in chemicals or not is to look around to see if you see any weeds? The more weeds, the better as it means there are likely no pesticides on the grass! To protect your dog, avoid treated areas, keep your yard toxin-free, and clean their paws after walks using a non-toxic, lick-safe paw cleanser. This helps keep their paws clean, hydrated, and healthy while reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals. This Paw Cleanser also is amazing for hot spots, cuts, scrapes, burns, infections, rashes and more! We are never without it!
Oral Care
Does your dog have a good oral care routine? It’s crucial, as their oral health is directly linked to their gut health, immune system, and allergies. If brushing isn’t an option, keep trying, but in the meantime, give them natural bones like Bison Bone Marrow Bones. These bones act like brushing and flossing for dogs, helping to reduce plaque and improve gum health, while also providing essential nutrients for a healthy coat. Avoid plastic bones like Nyla Bones and hard deer antlers, as they can be harmful. Nyla Bones are made of plastic, literally and antlers are far too hard and dry! Not only are the above bones SO tasty for your dog, they are also loaded with nutrients that will work hard to improve your dog’s skin and coat! We give them 1-2 times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time. You can then let them dry out or store in a bag in the fridge but be sure the moisture does not lead to mold. You do not want to keep them in there too long and once the marrow is gone, they are done for!
Titer Testing
Did you know that most puppy vaccines can last a dog their entire lifetime? Pets typically don’t need annual vaccinations, and a simple titer test can confirm if they’re still protected. My dog Hudson has shown protection every year with just his puppy shots, saving us money and unnecessary vaccinations. Ask your groomer or boarder to accept a titer test as proof of protection, and if a vaccination is unavoidable, you can detox your pet with products like the Rebalancer by Adored Beast. For a better vaccine schedule, check out Dr. Jean Dodds’ research and consider running a titer test yourself if your vet isn’t supportive. If you do want to detox with the Rebalancer above, you can use it literally anytime, even 8 years after a vaccine! This will remove the harmful aspects of the vaccine but not disrupt the protection of it so it’s a great option for those of you that have to vaccinate your dogs.
Fleas and Ticks
To keep your pet’s immune system and skin healthy, consider skipping toxic topical flea and tick treatments, which the FDA warns can cause adverse reactions like seizures. Instead, opt for a natural approach, especially if there’s no infestation. For my six dogs, these Amber Resin collars have worked wonders by creating static electricity that repels fleas and ticks without side effects. When hiking or in flea-prone areas, I pair the collars with a natural flea and tick spray made from essential oils. This combination has kept my dogs tick-free for years, and it works for fleas too! I carry a TON of options, just scan through and see what you need it for the most! We have stuff for around the yard, inside of the home, topical treatments for their fur as well as flea + tick collars so, lots of safer options to choose from!
Organic Dog Grooming
For a healthy skin and coat, choose a gentle probiotic shampoo free of irritating preservatives, lake dyes, hormone-disrupting fragrances, and sulfates that can harm your dog’s microbiome. My all-time favorite is the Petbiotics option as it is loaded with pre and probiotics to balance out the good and bad bacteria on your pet’s skin! Many people are also over-bathing their pets with harsh products, stripping away their natural defenses. While oatmeal shampoos are often considered calming, they can actually cause allergies and worsen skin issues by feeding yeast and staph. Again, I instead would opt for a shampoo like the above that nourishes your dog’s microbiome without the harsh sulfates that create suds.
Coupon Code
Overall, it was such a fun experience to be able to share holistic tips with KTLA news! If you did tune in to the segment, we also set up code KTLA for you to try out some of my most favorite products! Be sure to use that coupon at checkout to save a few bucks!
Source link: by theorganicbunny at