I’ve been a baseball mom for over 5 years and clocked more hours on the sidelines than I can count. I’ve tried and tested ALL the gear and figured out exactly what you need if you’re going to make your 12 hour baseball days go as smoothly as possible. Looking for the comfiest chairs, waterproof tents and the best buggy to schlep it all around in? I gotchu covered, plus a few more things that’ll really level up your sideline game. Let’s go!
By: Lisa Fennessy
There are baseball moms and then there are BASEBALL MOMS. I’m proud to say I fall in the latter category.
Growing up in Boston, I was born a Red Sox fan. I went to ball games with my dad and lived by the motto “Yankees suck” but it wasn’t until I moved to the south and my boys started playing baseball that I fell in love with it.
I love everything about going to the games. The hope and excitement of what’s to come, riding the highs, cheering, tailgating, the swag, the community and friendships…
Baseball is unique in that if you play seriously, you are with the same families days on end. Tournaments can be from 8am to 8pm and summer baseball will have you traveling to other states and staying weeks at a time.
All that leaves you making lifelong friends with the people around you. Moms band together, dads rally and the kids make memories of a lifetime.
I’ve been baseball mom-ing for over 5 years now and one thing’s for sure; you can’t just show up to a baseball game. You gotta SHOW UP. Let me show you how to do that so you don’t look like a newbie like this woman below. I have no idea who she is but I love her so much. This post is for you girl!
Travel baseball essentials for parents
Let me start off by saying, this is not one of those posts that’s about to tell you you need a cooler, snacks, wet wipes and lip balm. Those posts drive me nuts. You gonna tell me to not leave the house naked too? DUH!
These are TRIED AND TESTED essentials (and gear) you are going to need as mom if you want to survive 12 hour baseball days and and have them go as smoothly as possible. And no, you don’t have to buy every single thing on this list. Every mom will need a chair ofc but for the bigger items it can be more communal. I happen to be the dugout fan mom and the occasional DJ. Another mom will always bring her tent. And another one has the ice towels. See what I mean? Team effort on the field and off the field. Let’s go.
First of all, you need a wagon so you can carry all of your shit. Make it a collapsible and foldable one so you have room for it in your trunk along with everything else. I like this one because it has a break, fatty wheels (great for traversing baseball areas), it collapses and it’s super light.
Canopy Tent
The first thing baseball moms text each other in the morning is: “Shade?” The last thing you want to do is be burning in the sun for 12 hours which is why you need a canopy tent. Don’t get the ones that are screened in or have sides, those just trap air and they are hard to set up on bleachers and odd areas. You want one like this that has UV protection, packs up small, has roller wheels, won’t blow inside out and is easy to pop up. Also, this one is waterproof which you will thank me later for too.
This is my fave sports SPF. You can use it on your face and your body. I like it for sports because it’s strong enough but also breathable. Also mineral based.
Ice packs
One thing is for sure; your player will get hurt. Be ready for it.
Save yourself the hassle and always have cash in your car. Some tournaments are cash only for entry as well as some snack stands. Also sometimes it’s cash only for parking.
Bug spray
I want a bug spray that works but I don’t want deet so I opt for picaridin here’s why. Some options are this and this.
Travel baseball mom must-haves (everything else)
These are not necessarily must-haves but if you are going to be at the ballpark for 1,000 hours these are the things you want. Trust me.
Heated Camping Chair
Yeah, I just said heated. I put this in one of the baseball mom’s text string and everyone added it to their Christmas list immediately. Essential for the shoulder seasons like in January and November. Battery pack sold separately.
Rocking Chairs
I want to sit on a bleacher for 12 hours straight said no one ever. Sure you can buy one of those folding bleacher backs or regular folding chairs but trust me when I say you are going to be jelly when you see everyone else in this rocker and you’re sitting stick straight. P.S. Skip the folding chairs that have a shade canopy, those trap so much heat.
There are speakers and then there are SPEAKERS. This one linked has good sound quality, a charging station for your phone (which everyone will ask to use), wheels and over 100 hours of playing time. Now, occasionally you will play another team who has zero etiquette and will try and play over you. If you want to make a statement and also make that impossible, show up with a twin pair of these bad boys and let the seas part.

Ballpark DJ
Real life announcers intro your player at bat via this app. We had Casey Motter who was the announcer for the Atlanta Braves do our teams for years. Other announcers you can select are Andrew Belleson (Cubs), Michael Araujo (Angels and Galaxy), Marysol Castro (Mets), Greg Kalil (Rays), Larry Gardner (Rome Braves), NFL and NBA announcer Ryan Cameron (Hawks and Falcons) and UFC / Boxing announcer Joe Martinez.
Game Changer
This is the app to use for communicating, grabbing a practice and game schedule calendar link, scoring and streaming.
Phone holder (for fence to stream or record games)
If your team is using an app like Game Changer to score and stream the games, someone else already has this covered and you can skip. But if no one is doing that, you can stream (or record) the game via your phone (or go pro) and send a link to grandparents to watch live. 99% of fields have a chain link fence and this is the best type of holder as it doesn’t flop randomly or move—even if it gets hit with a foul ball.
Custom tumblers
What’s a baseball season if you can’t rock a little swag?! I’ve customized water bottles for the team and coaches, tumblers for the moms and stackable lowballs or colesters for the dads. If you are customizing with just the team name or logo you can do this in advance and through a site like Yeti which has free customization. However if you want to add your players name and number, it’s better to find somewhere local you can engrave on the fly because you will have to wait for rosters to come out to put in the order. That’s usually what I do with something like these in bulk.
Custom truckers
Also. Obsessed. Again, I get these done for the moms locally through a woman here in Atlanta. One year we got them spray painted because we were off to Panama City for a tournament #IYKYK. But you can also get them done online. Check out here and here.
Ice towels
If you are playing baseball in the summer, these are a game changer. We keep a cooler of them in ice water INSIDE the dugout for the boys. One summer it got so hot, everyone had an ice towel around their neck; moms, dads, coaches, umps, sibs, the dog. I had one wrapped around my head, another one around my neck and one down each arm. It’s the only thing that kept us alive.
Misting fans
These are also clutch and go inside the dugout. Think Miami in the summer—everywhere you go or eat you are being misted. This is that! Plus they are battery operated so no need for an outlet. You will need this plus a 5 gal bucket and a couple gallons of water. Yes bring gallons of water with you because you don’t know where the hose or the water will be and it’s a pain to move when it is full. I usually bring one of these and then 3-5 dugout fans.
Dugout fans
These are great because they clip onto the chain link and hit the players as they are sitting on the bench in between innings. Battery operated so you just have to remember to charge them the night before.
First aid kit
Mostly you are just going to need ice packs or the emergency room (for when your son gets hit in the face with a ball) but just in case, it’s good to have a med kit on hand.
Hand warmers
Not only lifesavers on the slopes but on the cold fall baseball fields too! These can be used in the dugout, by fans or go in baseball pants pockets too to help keep players warmer on the field.
Portable heater
Trust me, you are going to want this janky, backwoods contraption. When it’s November and you are freezing your ass off after sitting through 12 hours of baseball and can’t feel your feet you are going to be thinking of this and kicking yourself lol.
This is obvi not necessary but if you are hard core; it is. In my 5 years of baseballing, I saw one mom bring this one time and we used it for making hot chocolates and hot toddies.
Large fan
Dugout fans are great but you are also going to want a fan for yourself too. I like this one because it’s battery powered and you can operate it anytime, anywhere. It also comes with a plug too if you happen to have access to an outlet. Plus it’s super quiet and moves a lot of air. File this one under essentials and go with the high performance battery so it lasts the day.
Neck fan
Because sometimes you just need the air to move around your face. I like this one because it works and the gold trim is super cute.
Portable keg
When it’s 8am and your kid is pitching first or 3pm and you are parched af or basically anytime in between those times…you are going to be cursing the day you didn’t buy this. I’m talking beer, wine and mixed drinks ON DEMAND friends. Think green beer on St. Patty’s Day, margs on Cinco de Mayo, John Dalys during The Masters…the possibilities are endless. We even created an original themed adult drink for our team one year—THAT was fun.
Shop all these products easily via Amazon.
Travel baseball swag bag ideas
For bigger away tournaments we make swag bags for the team. Here’s a list of products we’ve used.
Did I miss anything? What would you add this this list?
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Source link: https://thenewknew.com/travel-baseball-essentials/ by Lisa Fennessy at thenewknew.com